Kozuka 5

Kozuka 5

SOLD 一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No. KOZ: 005.
項目種類 Item type 小塚 Kozuka
 MEI 無銘 MUMEI. Attributed to: 長藩光高作 Chōhan Mitsutaka saku
画像 Image Bamboo blinds and Aoi-shaped leaves the story of Genji, Sudare(Rattan blind) and Byobu (folding screen)
時代 Era 江戸時代  Edo period
日付 Date ca.1721-1784
 School 未知 unknown

 寸法 Measurements

長さLength. 97.3 mm
 Width. 14.1 mm
厚さThickness. 5.0 mm

 詳細 Details

物質  Material.
技法 Technique.

 鑑定書 Kantei-sho

日本美術刀剣保存協会                 NBTHK Certificate 保存刀装具鑑定書 Hozon Tosogu certificate
他の 証明書                                Other certificate 適用外です Not applicable
状態 Status 上等 Superior

 小刀 Kogatana

 MEI. 泉州堺鍛治司作之 Senshū Sakai Kaji Harumori saku kore
時代 Era. 中江戸時代 Middle Edo period
長さ Length. 185 mm
状態 Status. 良い Good
追加情報                          Additional Information The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a “保存刀装具鑑定書 Hozon Tosogu certificate: number 4006817. Provided on 平成二十七年三月四日. Heisei ni jȗ shichi nen san gatsu shi hi, March 4th 2015. 小塚 Kozuka + 小刀 Kogatana will be sent to you in original Kiri/paulownia box
歴史 History 未知 unknown


PS: More photos available on request!