

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No.


項目種類 Item type

肥後鍔   Higo Tsuba


無銘 MUMEI. Attribute to 林肥後 Higo Hayashi 3th Generation

形状  Shape.

撫丸形 Nada Maru gata      

画像 Image.

吉朗鍔 Yoshirō Tsuba. Design with nine nine family crest (MON)

時代 Era

室町時代終江戸時代初期. End of Muromachi period – Early Edo period

日付 Date

ca. 1550 – 1600





寸法  Measurements

身長 Height

78.1 mm       


76.2 mm

厚さ Thickness

5.32 mm

重さ Weigth

114 gr.





詳細 Details

物質 Material


技法 Technique   






鑑定書 Kantei-sho

日本美術刀剣保存協会         NBTHK Certificate

甲種特別貴重刀剣 Kōshu Tokubetsu Kichō tōken  (blue papers)

保存刀装具鑑,しんさの候補  Candidate for Hozon Tōsō-gu, Shin-sa exam

他の 証明書                        Other certificate

適用外です Not applicable

状態 Status

良い Good/ Tsuba is elegant and exquisite with beautiful patina on both sides over the entire surface





追加情報                              Additional Information

The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a Tsuba

甲種特別貴重刀剣 Kōshu Tokubetsu Kichō tōken (blue papers) certifigate 

Provided on 昭和三十六年九月二十四日. Shōwa ju san roku nen ku gatsu ni ju yon hi, 24th September 1961

吉朗鍔  YOSHIRO Tsuba

A maru-gata and maru mimi tsuba of well forged iron plate with nine roundels – circular emblems of flowers and/or family crests (家紋 MON), pierced and chiseled in kebori

There are nine different kamon in all on both sides. All kamon are in sukashi, which are obviously visible on both sides, are of various daimyo families

The iron surface bears a good patina of age, the iron texture is excellent and gives you a powerful feeling. The patina is very fine

刀に適した鍔です This is a Tsuba suitable for Katana





歴史 History

The technique on this Tsuba is often used by Ko-Tosho (old swordsmith) and Ko-Katchushi (old armour maker)

価格 price  € 1.495.–                 (Shipping fee is not included in the price).

PS: More photos available on request!