一般情報 General information
縁頭 Product No. |
F&G: 012. |
項目種類 Item type |
縁頭 Fuchi-Gashira. |
銘 MEI |
後藤光煕 (花押)Gotō Mitsuhiro + kaō |
画像 Image |
藤樹図 Tōju-zu, Wisteria tree figure |
時代 Era |
江戸時代 Edo Period |
街/City |
京都 Kyōto |
日付 Date |
ca. 1788-1856 |
伝 Den/School |
後藤 伝I Gotō Den |
寸法 Measurements
縁 Fuchi. |
身長 30.9 mm 幅 Width 17.5 mm |
頭 Gashira. |
身長 36.8 mm 幅 Width 21.3 mm |
詳細 Details
物質 Material |
赤銅地, 象嵌, Shakudō-ji, Zōgan |
技法 Technique |
赤銅, 魚子地, Shakudō, nanakod-ji |
鑑定 Kantei Registration
日本美術刀剣保存協会 NBTHK Certificate |
特別保存刀装具鑑定書 Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu certificate |
他の 証明書 Other certificate |
n/a |
状態 Status |
上工 Jōkō Superior |
追加情報 Additional Information |
The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a Fuchi-Gashira 特別保存刀装具鑑定書 Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu Kanteisho” certificate number: 2007901. Provided on 令和三年九月十七日. Reiwa san nen kû gatsu san jû shichi hi. September 17, 2021 (17-09-2021). Fuchi & Gashira is suitable Wakizashi. |
歴史 History |
Gotō School (後藤) 光煕 Mitsuhiro family name is 後藤 Gotō, as personal name he used 利兵衛 Rihei and 源左郎 Gensaburō. He was born in the year 寛政九年生 Kansei ku nen (1797) and died in the year 弘化二年 Kōka ni nen (1845). He is the second son of 後藤玄乗 Gotō Genjō, the fifth head of the 後藤官兵衛 Gotō Kanbei sideline. 光煕 Mitsuhiro is the 5th gen. go tōmoku 五頭目of the 後藤利平 Gotō Rihei side-line. This side-line of the 後藤家 Gotō family is also known as 下谷後藤, Shitaya Gotō, because they worked in the 江戸下谷 Shitaya district of Edo. |
価格 price € 1750.– (Shipping fee is not included in the price).
PS: More photos available on request!